Definition: This technique involves offering an interview to a website or blog within your industry. In return they give you a link. This works particularly well if you have a prominent, public facing person within your company, who is well known within the industry or if you have subject matter experts who regularly speak at conferences. Types of links you get: You can usually get some high quality links using this technique because you can select which blogs and websites you reach out to. However, this technique is quite reliant on you having someone of interest at your company! Otherwise the higher quality, influential websites may not be interested. If you can get them, these links can be incontext and dropped into the intro to the interview, so they will be positioned near the top of the content. You may also be able to get some custom anchor text if you ask for it.
The process: As mentioned previously, this technique is reliant on you having someone within your company who is influential or respected enough for people to want to hear from. It is also reliant upon you having access to this person or being able to answer questions on their behalf – with their sign-off.
Find someone within your company who is happy to be interviewed
Find relevant blogs within your industry who may be interested in asking questions and
publishing the answers
Email the blogs you find and pitch them the interview
If they reply positively, ask them to put together questions they’d like to ask
Send the questions to this person for them to answer, or answer on their behalf and get
them to sign-off on them
Send the answers to the blog, along with a picture and short bio of the person
interviewed, this is where you include the link
If possible, ask them to add the picture and bio to the top of the published article

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